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M.A.D.E info  


Every young child has the potential for great creative and artistic expression and every early years setting should be a creative and inspiring environment for young children to ‘play and learn’ in. With this in mind, the Oasis is using the Early Years Pupil Premium EYPP to fund fortnightly opportunities for children to express their thoughts and ideas through music, dance and drama workshops with MADE. The Music and Dance Workers will continue to work with staff and children on a fortnightly basis to develop their creativity and imaginary play. Each fortnightly workshop provides lots of learning opportunities focused around Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Communication and Language Skills. The Music and Dance Workers are working with staff to build their confidence and develop their creative skills, enabling the staff to plan and provide rich learning opportunities for children in creativity and the arts. Therefore, providing improved learning outcomes for children across all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and positively supporting their health and well-being.


Theme: Space. The children explored light and dark using torches and glow sticks. They also created dances and moved in a variety of way to space themed music. The children had the opportunity to fly around space and explore different planets in the solar system which linked and extended upon the pre-school space display.













Theme: Spain. The children enjoyed learning about Spanish dances, exploring a variety of dance moves and sounds. A wide range of instruments supported the children in creating musical master pieces of Spanish music.

A big thank you to Pat our arts teacher!!

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Charity no. 1057410  - Oasis Childcare Centres.


Created by NuTech SW

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